Aoife Delaney, CIS, CITP
Vice President, Business Development
+353 876874606

Based in Dublin, Ireland, Aoife brings over 20 years of industry knowledge and experience to her role within the DMC Network.
Aoife’s background is in the DMC arena, with experience that spans everything from operations and sales to marketing and global business development strategy.
Aoife is an active member of many industry associations, particularly SITE, where she served on the association’s International Board of Directors for several years and as SITE President in 2021.
She is also the recipient of a number of prestigious industry awards, including the 2016 Smart Women in Meetings Award and the 2016 CIC Pacesetter Award for outstanding achievement and leadership in the meetings and events industry. Aoife has been named to the “22 Millennials to Watch” list by Meetings and Conventions, a meeting trendsetter with Meetings Focus, a Rising Star with C&IT and, most recently, the 2020 Wise Icon Award with SITE Ireland.
In addition to her mounting industry accolades, Aoife is also hugely into health and wellbeing. She has completed both the Dublin and New York Marathons, and can tout her status as a fully qualified Yoga instructor as part of her list of accomplishments too. Aoife is a big believer in health and wellbeing and loves to intertwine this into her busy industry lifestyle.
Born and raised in the US before moving back to her parents’ hometown of Dublin, Aoife spent many summers living and working in the States through her college years — meeting her Irish husband, Alexander, while working in San Diego. Together they have a daughter, Addison, and a son, Maximillian, who have both been firmly placed as the stars of the family.
Aoife’s favourite food is ice cream and her favorite pastime is knitting ... a true misnomer of stereotypes!